Wednesday, 25 April 2012

The Odanglesex Chronicles - The Beasts of the Jungle (2)

FROM: Kenneth Spotlessnob, Assistant Chief Executive and Director of Transformational Excellence and Strategic Vision TO: Anton Wilks, Director of Content Simeon Lascelles, Director of Spatial Exploration and Direction Management Hilda Wrass, Director of Cultural Transformation bcc: Neil Balderson, Assistant Director of Transformational Excellence and Strategic Vision Colleagues: Thanks for making the really positive meeting where Anton explained how he saw content management developing under his tutelage. I hope Anton won't mind me saying the rest of us found it really fascinating and are excited by the challenges of working together in a totally transformational way. FROM: Kenneth Spotlessnob TO: Neil Balderson cc: Dale Brashcon, Deputy Assistant Director of Transformational Excellence and Strategic Vision Neil: Thanks for your invaluable comments on the position we should take concerning ownership of content in TESV and how we can make sure Anton's efforts are directed into positive and forward-looking channels. FROM: Anton Wilks, Director of Content TO: Hilda Wrass, Director of Cultural Transformation Hilda: thanks for sending me the draft text of the OCC Christmas Pageant. I don't really have any comment on it and didn't expect my directorate to intervene in content management at this level. FROM: Anton Wilks TO: Simeon Lascelles Simeon: Thanks for the draft of your directorate five-year plan. What exactly is spatial exploration? FROM: Anton Wilks TO: Kenneth Spotlessnob Kenneth: I thought we'd agreed a structure for joint working when we met with Hilda and Simeon, but I'm finding my directorate bombarded with requests for approval of things like a response to a government consultation on community waste management and even an internal e-mail about the Chairman's charity (the Richard Plantagenet Ill Horse Home). Can we meet again to sort this out? FROM: Kelly Pattrick, PA to Kenneth Spotlessnob TO: Anton Wilks Kenneth's identified three dates when he could meet you as you requested. He asked me to apologise that they're all nearly three months ahead, but his diary is very full. FROM: Edelbertha Spengler, Chief Executive TO: Anton Wilks CONFIDENTIAL Anton - just a word in your ear. You're operating in a different culture and it's not entirely wise to suggest that the Chairman's charity, government policy on community waste disposal or Christmas are unimportant. Just a matter of presentation. FROM: Edelbertha Spengler TO: All Directors FOR CASCADE In order to move ever faster towards our aim of permanent transformational excellence, I've decided a rejig of cross-cutting responsibilities is needed to streamline delivery. The major cross-cutting responsibilities of Content are now to come under Hilda Wrass and the Directorate of Content will be phased out between now and August. This means, unfortunately, we are bidding goodbye to Anton Wilks and I would like to thank him for all the valuable work he's done with us over the past six months.

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